I saw a psychologist this week and she asked me why I still see my mother or even wish to. What was I hoping to get out of it. I told her I really had no idea. That maybe it was simply what people do. How cruel to let someone die alone. I said maybe I was trying to get a glimpse of who my mother really was. To see behind the mirror. My answers were as empty as our relationship.
They psychologist looked at me and said, "You won't find her. She is gone; if she ever even existed. Abuse done to the extent that causes one to become like my mother completely destroys the person and erases from the mind who they were. She was gone the moment this event took place. You can't find her. The best thing is to let go and walk away.".
I don't know how to do that. I want my mother. I want to make it okay for her. I want her to know that someone loves her despite what has happened. But she is apparently incapable of understanding love. I don't get it. Love can move mountains. Can it not heal a broken mind? A mother's mind? My mother's mind?
This journey veered off course and has left me lonely, and empty. I am hollow. A mother sized hole in my psyche, my body. I did not expect his.